Coloring Mindfullness And A Course In Miracles

Coloring Mindfullness And A Course In Miracles

Go deeper & get more out of your journey with A Course In Miracles with our Mantra Mandalas.

You love the daily lessons from A Course In Miracles, but don’t always have the time to squeeze each lesson into your busy day, right? What’s more, there was something missing from the lessons in the Big Blue Book to keep you engaged each and every day.

We get it. Us Too!

That’s why we found a way to connect the joy of Adult Coloring, the meditative spin of Mandalas and the juice from A Course in Miracles all together into one easy to access place.

And we put all this goodness on your phone!

Yes, That’s right – The Course where you are- so when you have a moment on the bus, or when you are waiting in line for your double shot, half – caf, hazelnut latte, you can review your lesson each day and ponder the meaning of life, and your place on this bright blue gemstone we call Earth.

So ditch those Social Media apps and close your games and spend a moment diving deep in to the meaning of life, and what it all means,  even as you are sitting on the train counting backpacks and umbrellas from your fellow commuters.

But Wait- There is MORE = We Added COLOR!

What if we told you that we used our secret, crafty, creative powers to take your study of A Course In Miracles to the next level by adding an element of COLOR to your day?

That’s right- we created a twisty Mantra Mandala to accompany EACH of the 365 student lessons from A Course In Miracles. Now you can study, ponder & color your way each day through The Course in a whole new and colorful way.

Get your Coloring A Course In Miracles Coloring Books here:

Get access to all 365 Coloring A Course In Miracles lessons & Daily  on Teachable for less than a dollar a day!

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