A Vision Board on Steroids with Positive Prime

Do you like watching mind movies but wish you could make them more personalized – and more powerful? I LOVE watching mind movies, but I hate to search around the web to try one that looks meh, only to have advertising pop up, and to discover some of those mind movies are not things I really want to watch (too busy, not my goals, not my music etc …)

If this is you, keep reading, because we have discovered a fabulous new way to enjoy powerful mind movies – customized – that you will just love.

Introducing, Positive Prime!


Positive Prime is an easy to use software that combines amazing photography, together will delightful music, taking your Mind Movie experience to a whole new level. (and you can even get started for free!) You can enjoy the sessions on your phone, tablet or computer.

You can further customize your Mind Movies in Positive Prime to be as long as 15 minutes – and as short as 3minutes!

Why would you want a 3 minute Mind Movie??  This is so your beautiful brain can’t say no, that’s not true, etc … because it is all going by so fast.

WOW! It was so busy when I tried it, but now I am expecting it, and I just relax into them.

Positive Prime has created a number of different “themes” for their mind movies – depending on your interests. So each day you can choose a different mind movie, personalize them (only have to do this once) and sit back and let the mind movies do the work. So Much FUN!

Check out Positive Prime HERE

What’s more, you can upload your own personal pictures to your Positive Prime account, and you can SEE Yourself in the Mind Movies! (What a great way to use all those selfies on your phone!)- Adding your own photos is available at the paid levels, which start at 10 bucks a month.

In my case, I added a ton of my photos to my Positive Prime account- easily from my phone. All those selfies, photos of places I have visited and would like to return, and lots of other images – making my Positive Prime Mind Movie sessions more like a Vision Board on steroids!

We are 3 months in to our Positive Prime experience  (it’s October 2020), and I must say, it has really made a positive difference in our lives.

If this sounds fun to you, why not check out Positive Prime today?

Check out Positive Prime HERE

Check it out – its FREE after all to get started – We would love to know what you think!